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Improved type-safety patterns in F#

Leveraging F#'s type system to provide extra type-safety & context

I enjoy using statically-typed languages for obvious benefit of compile-time safety, but an overlooked feature is the added context that rich types can provide.

For this reason, I try to minimise primitive obsession by creating distinct types wherever possible, often leveraging the ‘newtype’ idiom to wrap a primitive type (eg. string or int) in a record or single-case discriminated union.

As with all things in tech, there are trade-offs to consider here. While it provides a a higher level type-signature clarity, type-safety and convenience (via. instance members), there is a performance penalty due to the extra allocations, and a developer experience penality due to the need for wrapping, unwrapping and converting between these types.

Luckily, there are a couple of tricks that can improve the experience with minimal downside - Units of measure & phantom types

Units of measure

What is a unit of measure?

If you’re not fimilar with units of measure (UoM), this is a language feature that allows us to refine a numeric type to a specific measurement.

This refinement is erased at compile-time - eliminting runtime overhead of the newtype pattern - and provides increased type-safety as it further refines the type signature.

A naive implementation of a speed-calculating function might look like this:

// calculateSpeed: int -> int -> int
let calculateSpeed (distance: int) (duration: int) = distance/duration

But the type-signature opaque at a glance, and the implementation does not restrict us from supplying the wrong value to each argument.

On the other hand, if we use units of measure…

type [<Measure>] km
type [<Measure>] seconds
// calculateSpeed: int<km> -> int<seconds> -> int<km/seconds>
let calculateSpeed (distance: int<km>) (duration: int<seconds>) =
let distance = 100<km>
let duration = 10<seconds>
calculateSpeed distance duration
// Returns : int<km/seconds> = 10

Beyond numerical measurements

This is all good and well for numerical domains, but it’s application (at least for my usage) is very limited.

Luckily, FSharp.UMX extends this feature with the ability to apply units of measure to other primitive types.

The main stand-out for me is the ability to apply UoMs to strings, as this provides a way of creating custom types without the overhead previously mentioned.

Consider the following example:

let emailAddress = "[email protected]"
let subject = "Hey!"
let body = "How are you?"
// sendEmail: string -> string -> string -> unit
let sendEmail subject body email = // implementation
sendEmail email body subject // oops, wrong order!

The above version allows using a value as the wrong parameter since all of the parameters are string.

However, using FSharp.UMX, we can limit the types with units of measure.

open FSharp.UMX
type [<Measure>] emailAddress
type EmailAddress = string<emailAddress>
// ^- Optional type alis to male the type signatures more terse
type [<Measure>] body
type Body = string<body>
type [<Measure>] subject
type Subject = string<subject>
// sendEmail: Email -> Subject -> Body -> unit
let sendEmail (email: Email) (subject: Subject) (emailBody: Body) = // do stuff
// Use the UMX.tag static member or % postfix operator to wrap or unwrap a primitive
let emailAddress: Email = UMX.tag "[email protected]"
let subject: Subject = %"Hey!"
let body: Body = %"How are you?"
sendEmail subject body email // ok!
sendEmail body email subject // won't compile!

As you can see, we’re refining the type for the compiler, but the underlying representation is still a vanilla string.

It’s worth noting that there is a trade-off when using a UoM vs. a distinct type (record or discriminated union), but the choice depends on your requirements and your domain.

For example, you can’t limit the construction of UoMs, nor can you add members to specific measures (as the type is essentially still a string).

Phantom types

Another interesting use of F#‘s generics system is the ‘phantom types’ pattern.

This is when you define a generic type (eg. Foo<'t>), but never actually use the type parameter. Instead, this type parameter is only provided as a means of further refining the type.

For example, in the event we need to move some files between between different devices, we may interact with different filesystems - a local filesystem and a remote filesystem over SSH.

The obvious approach would be to define a new type:

type FilePath = FilePath of string
// Single-case discriminated union that wraps a string representing a file path

However, this type doesn’t provide any information about the underlying filesystem - Is this a path on my local machine or the remote machine?

This could lead to run-time issues if we’re not careful how we use each instance of this type. For example, we would be fully able to construct a System.IO.FileInfo from a FilePath even if we were referring to a remote filesystem.

The program would compile, the instance would be constructed and… the file wouldn’t exist, leading us to getting bogus metadata from this object. While this is something we can solve with runtime checks, it would be great if we could encode more of this in formation directly in the type.

To fix this, we can refactor the FilePath to require a type parameter.

type IFileSystem = interface end // marker interface
type SftpFileSystem = inherit IFileSystem
type LocalFileSystem = inherit IFileSystem
type FilePath<'fs when 'fs:> IFileSystem> = FilePath of string
let sftpPath: FilePath<SftpFileSytem> = FileSystem<_> "foo"
let localPath: FilePath<LocalFileSytem> = FileSystem<_> "bar"

In the above example, we’ve given the FilePath a new type parameter that identifies the kind of filesystem for the path.

As well as this, we’ve restricted this type parameter to only allow types that implement the IFileSystem interface, and declared two distinct file system types, SftpFileSystem and LocalFileSystem.

If we then try to pass a FilePath<LocalFileSystem> to a function that wants a FilePath<SftpFileSystem>, we will be presented with a clear type error. We can still coerce one type into the other - since they contain the same underlying data - but this is an explicit act, and we can even secure this with some runtime checks.

The IFileSystem interface - and those inheriting it, such as SftpFileSystem & LocalFileSystem - are ‘marker interfaces’ as they provide no additional members, and are only used as a way of ‘tagging’ types.

Now, we can see that type definitions are much more clear:

// From
FilePath -> FilePath
// To
FilePath<LocalFileSystem> -> FilePath<SftpFileSystem>

And here are some example implementations leveraging our new and improved type:

// An interface that moves files from one filesystem type to another
type IDataMover<'inFs, 'outFs when 'inFs :> IFileSystem and 'outFs :> IFileSystem> =
abstract member Move:
source: FilePath<'inFs> * dest: FilePath<'outFs> -> Async<Result<unit, exn>>
// An implementation that moves local files to a remote machine via. SSH
type LocalToRemoteMover (sshConfig: SshConfig) =
interface IDataMover<LocalFileSystem, SftpFileSystem> with
member _.Move(source, dest) =
// logic goes here
// A generic file validator function that can be easily combined
type IFileValidator<'fs when 'fs :> IFileSystem> =
abstract Validate: FilePath<'fs> -> Async<Result<FilePath<'fs>, exn>>